In 2020, the developmant of the aforementioned services started at NTMC. In 2021 the following user operational services will be available:
- IJPP Timetable Information: NeTEx (»Network Timetable Exchange«) - Exchange timetables and related IJPP liner data as a freely available online service for the provision and distribution of travel information to be provided to operational travel application providers. The implementation of SIRI (»Service interface for real-time information«) is also planned. This will provide information for route planning and the current status of individual journeys in public passenger transport.
- Multimodal route planner: will operate on the basis of the implementation of the »Local Journey Planner« (LJP) system in accordance with CEN/TC 278 technical specification »Public transport – Open API for distributed journey planning«). It will cover the field of public transport IJPP (bus and rail passenger transport), and will also include alternatives for bicycle and walking, including P+R support (park and ride) and will be available to end users.
Further developments of the multimodal services will take place by improving the operational services in production (Transmodel, NeTEx, SIRI, OpenAPI, JP, IJPP) and by expanding support and connections with other regional hubs (
LinkingAlps) and regional route planners. Development will also take place through the coordination of operational and planned multimodal solutions (
ITxPT) and the validation of implementations of information services based on standards (
Data4PT). Gradually, more modern forms of mobility will be included (eg transport on demand), support for alternative forms of mobility and support for mobility for vulnerable groups (elderly, disabled).